A selection of ice core portraits from our 'Stories Trapped in Ice' project is displayed alongside the works of Christy Lee Rogers and Lara Zankoul.
We proudly announce that the 'Ice Mines' picture (first one below) was awarded the ALPINISM Category winner at the 34th Memorial Maria Luisa Awards.
Selection of images from eastGRIP was awarded at the TOKYO INTERNATIONAL FOTO AWARDS 2023 - 1st place in the SCIENCE category and Gold in the Science Environment category.
Neutral Density Photography Awards 2023 - 2nd place in the Editorial - Sports category and two Honorable Mentions in the Editorial - Documentary category (EastGRIP and Methane Extraction stories) plus an Honorable Mention in the Nature - Underwater category (Entangled - Öresund life study).
Back in July, we had an opportunity to join the Swedish Coast and Sea Centre and the crew of 'River Thames' to document the salvage operation of the Halifax HR871 - a WWII bomber lying at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.
Our photo story from the East Greenland Ice Core Project won 3rd place in the Professional Editorial / Press, Environmental category at the 20th edition of IPA - International Photography Awards.
Last summer, Lukasz spent a month in a remote ice core drilling camp and a research station far north on the Greenland Ice Sheet.
Here are a few portraits showing the uniquely skilled men and women at the frontline of climate research.
MONDAY, MAY 22nd, 2023
A marine conservation initiative organised by the Swedish Coast and Sea Center with support from the City of Malmöand Marint Kunskapscenter, among others.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th, 2023
At the end of April, we joined the Transnational Red Sea Center team in Djibouti to document a workshop organised by the TRSC in partnership with the Université de Djibouti (UD) in close collaboration with the local authorities.
Tuesday, May 9th, 2023
Lift the Ice (6x60), a stunning new Curiosity original series exploring the incredible mysteries being revealed in the frozen parts of our planet, premiered on Curiosity Stream on April 20th. Follow the adventures of six uniquely skilled experts as they investigate the remarkable mysteries emerging from under layers of thawing ice.
Friday, March 17th, 2023
We are proud to have a selection of our images from Sweden featured in the impressive Wanderlust series, Wanderlust Nordics from Gestalten, a gorgeous hardback book highlighting some of the best trails and natural scenery that Scandinavia has to offer.

From spectacular fjords in Norway, the arctic tundra and serene forests in Sweden to a plethora of enchanting lakes in Finland and the Ice Sheet of Greenland —the Nordics offer a breathtaking variety of landscapes and endless options to hike.

This is a book that will have you heading north.
Friday, December 2nd , 2022
Despite sea temperatures rising faster in the Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba than the global average rate, its coral reefs exhibit remarkable resistance to global warming. Researchers are trying to find out why these 'super corals' exist.
Wednesday, August 31st, 2022
We couldn't be more excited earlier this summer before heading to Israel on our first photojournalism assignment for Getty Images.
Wednesday, June 8th, 2022
We couldn't think of a better day to share some of the first images from our new project than on World Oceans Day.
Tuesday, February 15th, 2022
We are so excited and honoured to announce that Lukasz has become a Waterproof International and AQOR Dive Systems, brand ambassador.
Friday, December 17th, 2021
Latest cinematographer/director reel from Lukasz Larsson Warzecha
Friday, August 20th, 2021
In Sweden, naturally healthy food can be found just around the corner – in the forests, lakes and meadows.
Visit Sweden's marketing campaigns The Edible Country and The Drinkable Country were created together with passionate food entrepreneurs, with the support from regional tourism boards, all over the country.
In collaboration with Michelin-starred chefs, inspirational menus featuring local produce were produced to help curious visitors experience the Swedish pantry.
Friday, October 2nd, 2020
SVT's Helgstudion (Weekend Studio) is Saturday's daytime tv programme with the latest news from Sweden and the world, providing analysis to current events and in-depth and personal interviews. Hosts: Andrea Hökerberg and Fredrik Skillemar. On Saturday, 26th September it featured the travel expert Lottie Knutson discussing local ideas for holidays, showcasing our work for the West Sweden tourism board.
Tuesday, April 7th, 2020
Drones have changed not only the aerial photography world but the way we look at the world in its entirety. They have positively impacted the way we approach almost any given shoot and gave us an incredible amount of creative freedom.
Friday, November 15th, 2019
Through spring and summer of 2019 LWimages partnered with the John Muir Trust to produce a series of three films for the Trust's Wild in Me Campaign. We spoke to Kevin Lelland, the John Muir Trust's head of development and communications, to get the inside story on the ideas behind the campaign and how important the Wild in Me films are to promoting the Trust's work.
Thursday, August 22nd, 2019
This month LWimages founder and lead creative force Lukasz Warzecha competed in Ironman Sweden. An Ironman triathlon involves a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bicycle ride and a full marathon of 26.2miles and is recognised as one of the most formidable endurance tests around. Once he'd caught his breath we asked Lukasz how he got involved in such a demanding event and what lessons he'd learned from the experience.
Thursday, July 26th, 2019
Photography is a deeply personal endeavour and for the past ten years it's been a journey of self-improvement, far beyond the art form and business alone. You have talent, you work hard on your craft but how do you find your voice?
Friday, July 19th, 2019
This month, the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing, got us thinking. The Apollo 11 mission, that allowed Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to step out of their landing craft and explore the surface of the moon, was one of the pinnacles of human achievement. From engineering to technological advances and the ability to turn blue-sky thinking into reality the moon landing was a breakthrough on so many different levels.
Wednesday, July 10th, 2019
Watching the Women's World Cup recently reminded us of how much football has changed – particularly in the tactics used to build an attack. Gone is the traditional "kick and rush" approach where long balls would be booted up the field, often with a plan that seemed to entail little more than blind hope. In its place a patient, highly skilled web of "one touch" passes is built starting from the goalkeeper, often involving the whole team before the star striker, such as Megan Rapinoe, takes their chance for a goal. At its best, this approach looks effortless.
Thursday, May 16th, 2019
We don't want to say too much about our new show reel. Kind of the point of a show reel is to quit hyping, quit waffling and just let the visuals do the talking….

This latest reel includes footage from projects during the last two years for clients ranging from SEIKO to the John Muir Trust, from Mountain Equipment to Allianz Insurance, and from Epic Trails to Facing Waves TV series.

Filming these scenes has been a wild and brilliant rollercoaster of an adventure. We hope you enjoy the ride too….
Thursday, March 14th, 2019
If we all think back to our first experiences of the outdoors most of us will have lots of similar 'shared' memories. That trepidation of the distance to be walked that day, the excited nervousness ahead of your first ever night out wild camping, and the sense of fulfilment on reaching the end of the journey.
Monday, February 11th, 2019
When we first started LWimages we just wanted to create images… the very best images we could… of the most amazing places around the world. But quickly we realized that many of those stunning places that drew explorers, climbers, bikers, kayakers and image makers like us, were also places that were under threat.
Sunday, February 3rd, 2019
The Wild in Me films celebrate wildness and the relationships between people and wild places. In the second film in the series, renowned climber, photographer and mountain guide Dave 'Cubby' Cuthbertson explores Steall Gorge and the slopes of Ben Nevis as he reflects on a life shaped by the mountains.
Friday, January 25th, 2019
It's that time of the year when many of us make bold promises of change. Resolutions for the start of the year where we pledge to turn over a new leaf and improve ourselves. Unfortunately like so many big bold promises they can be hard to maintain for long.
Thursday, January 17th, 2019
For decades the starting point for most adventure photography careers were the many monthly specialist magazines that until recently lined most newsagents shelves.
Thursday, January 3rd, 2019
If we had to use one word to describe 2018 it would be 'epic'. We've had such a multitude of brilliant projects it's difficult to narrow it down – but here's a few good ones.

In no particular order!
Thursday, December 6th, 2018
For Icelanders their glaciers are a living embodiment of Iceland's national identity. 'Meltdown' explores the bond between this iconic landscape and a group of local glacier guides, who are now fighting to save these natural wonders from climate change extinction.
Tuesday, November 13th, 2018
Sometimes the stars align and projects come your way that combine an amazing location – somewhere you've wanted to visit for ages with a client that shares your vision and then when you get there the local people and culture lift the whole experience up to another level. Japan has been a long time dream destination for everyone on the LWimages film team, so when we got the chance to visit, following a film commission from the Kiso Tourism Office, we jumped at the chance.
Monday, October 8th, 2018
The Wild in Me series of films celebrates wildness and the relationships between people and wild places. In this first film, poet Helen Mort finds inspiration for a new poem The Wild in Me among the striking scenery of Quinag in Assynt, and at Sandwood Bay, one of the UK's most awe-inspiring beaches.
Saturday, September 22nd, 2018
FACING WAVES is an exciting and inspiring TV series that follows top paddlers as they explore the people, places, and adventures of the world's top paddling destinations. Each 30-minute episode explores new places and share incredible adventures with the locals along the way. Broadcast on Outside Television and FOX SPORTS networks in the US, and internationally in 44 countries on the Nautical Channel, the TV series features sea kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, canoeing, rafting and all types of paddling adventures.
Tuesday, March 27th, 2018
One of the most interesting projects we've worked on recently has been the Epic Trails TV series for Outside TV. As I'm sure you know 'Interesting' is a euphemism that can cover all manner of things and in the case of our filming of Epic Trails the "interesting" moments covered pretty much every emotion in the book – from euphoria to exhaustion.
Monday, March 5th, 2018
Adventure is simply a way of thinking... Adventurer Sean Conway has been supporting OS' GetOutside campaign since it launched in 2015. Find out why Sean loves to GetOutside and how you can find your own adventures around Britain every day.
Wednesday, February 28th, 2018
On Monday 26th of February 24 Year old Scot Uisdean Hawthorn set a new record for a winter traverse of Skye's iconic Cuillin Ridge with his time of 4 hours, 57 minutes and 7 seconds knocking more than an hour and a quarter off the previous quickest ascent.
Monday, February 12th, 2018
With the increasing quality of budget video cameras and free editing software included with many laptops there is a perception nowadays that film-making is a simple process open to everyone. But lets be honest about this when you shortcut the systems you usually shortcut the results.
Wednesday, January 31st, 2018
I've left this round up of 2017 for so long, mainly because I'm still processing everything that has happened and what it all means for us as a business.

Where do I even start?
Monday, November 13th, 2017
We're proud to announce that LWimages have joined 1% for the Planet, the global environmental network. As a member LWimages will donate 1% of our annual sales to assist with environmental initiatives carried out by our chosen non-profit environmental organisations working with climate change and renewable energy.
Thursday, March 30th, 2017
We live in a world dominated by scary headlines filled with stories of distrust and intolerance. Barriers both real and imagined are used to divide people. But is this a true representation of the world?
Monday, June 5th, 2017
During 2016 LWimages were commissioned by Mountain Equipment to take a portfolio of portraits of some of the adventurers, climbers and artists they work with. We thought it would be interesting to let you into some of the thoughts processes behind the project from Lukasz.
Tuesday, March 7th, 2017
As many times a winter as possible, work and family commitments allowing, I get in my car and drive for 7, 8 or sometimes as much as 10 hours northwards from my home in Sheffield in the hope of finding good Scottish winter climbing conditions.
Thursday, March 30th, 2017
In the second of our occasional interview series with the LWimages team we ask our Swedish dynamo Ulrika Larsson about her back ground in Ecotourism, the wonders of adventure kayaking and just what exactly does a Studio Director do.
Thursday, February 9th, 2017
When Kathy Switzer entered the Boston Marathon in 1967 she used her first name initial knowing that women were not allowed to run the race. At that time many of those in positions of power thought women incapable of distance running -
Tuesday, January 24th, 2017
Imagine a summer's evening in the late 1970s. Two climbers sit atop Gogarth, the centrepiece in British climbing's insatiable thirst for new routes at the time. As the sun begins to dip into the Irish Sea the climbers, Pat Littlejohn and Ron Fawcett, share thoughts on the current state of climbing.
Friday, December 9th, 2016
We all have humble beginnings. Here our Creative Director Ian Parnell experiences 'full conditions' on his first Scottish winter route, a lowly Cairngorms grade I. It's from unforgettable moments like these that we've built our experience to work in the World's most challenging environments.
Thursday, December 8th, 2016
One of the things we pride ourselves with at LWimages is our versatility. We believe we've got the skills, experience and adaptability to 'get the shot' whether we are filming in a mountain top blizzard or 100ft below the surface in a dark cave.
Thursday, September 15th, 2016
Tuesday, September 5th, 2016
The World Climbing Calendar 2017 is back!

It's a collaboration with some of the world's best climbing photographers — Samuel Bie, Simon Carter, King Climbers, John Evans, John Price, Jim Thornburg and Lukasz Warzecha.
Thursday, August 11th, 2016
You can see the image in full on the National Geographic website together with their caption and below my more detailed full interview.
Thursday, August 4th, 2016
We all know creating fresh and competing work is very important, but when shooting well photographed locations that can be a real challenge. You've really got to go the extra mile in exploring the angles, light conditions and finally your subject matter.
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016
At LWimages we've been taking cameras into the mountains for as long as we have been climbing, a combined total experience of well over half a century. During that time we've learnt a lot – about how to handle a camera in sub zero temperatures, how to handle ourselves on super steep terrain, and how to work with clients in such a risky environment.
Wednesday, June 15th, 2016
When the terrible news regarding the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal back in April 2015, reached the rest of the world, many people and organizations asked themselves: What can WE do to help and give back to Nepal and it's people in these difficult times?